William Mercer Wilson Centre
331 Commissioners Road West
London, Ontario, Canada.
N6J 4Y2
Owner and Sponsor
William Mercer Wilson Centre (London) Inc.
Support Funding for some Residents
Ministry of Housing & Municipal Affairs (Ontario).
An 86 Unit apartment building to provide affordable housing for seniors. While originally planned primarily to serve the needs of the Masonic Community, the Centre is open to all eligible applicants.
The Centre is operated by a Board of Directors made up of 12 members, 4 of whom are residents of the Centre. The Board meets monthly to deal with governance and policy issues. Operations are the responsibility of the Building Manager. A live-in Building Superintendent(s)who are residents of the Centre provides maintenance and daily tasks.
The basic structure was funded through a $6.5 Million mortgage, guaranteed by the Ontario Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs, to be repaid over 35 years from rental income. (First units were rented November 1994) This allocation covers the basics only. The many extras within the building that make the Centre unique have been privately funded through the generous donation of Masons and others. Rent is based on the individual householder’s ability to pay. The rents are below market and no resident will pay more than 30% of their gross household income for rental of their units.
To provide additional services, not covered in the basics, such as;
Local Masons have assumed the responsibility for this initiative and undertook the obligation of raising the additional funds. Through financial and material donations, the Masonic Community of London and Area has been able to erect a building which includes amenities beyond the typical housing development. This is a place which includes a Craft Lodge for the residents and the surrounding community of Masons. For the first time in Ontario there is a “Community” facility with the Masonic Symbol prominently displayed.
If you wish to make a charitable donation, please contact the
105-331 Commissioners Road West
London, Ontario, Canada N6J 4Y2
Charitable Registration Number 13700 6771 RR0001
At the formation of the Grand Lodge of Canada, A.F. & A.M., William Mercer Wilson was selected as the first Grand Master, a post to which he was elected nine times. His fine personal qualities and oratorical skills helped Mercer Wilson to enable the Grand Lodge to grow in harmony and avoid the factionalism that beset other organizations at the time. His exemplary leadership and life of public service have provided a model for the concept of the William Mercer Wilson Centre.