St. John’s Lodge No. 20 is sad to announce the passing of Bro. Don Gellatly. A Masonic Service will be held on January 5, 2021 at Westview Funeral Home under the auspices of St. John’s Lodge No. 20. Gellatly, Donald Norman “Don” December 26th, 2021 Peacefully and surrounded by family on Sunday, December 26th,...
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London East and West Districts have been closely following the Covid-19 guidelines laid out by the Province and our Grand Lodge. We were recently advised that Lodges may begin to reopen starting November 1, 2021 by following strict protocols designed to insure the health a safety of our members. London District Lodges will reopen...
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Following the election of our new Grand Master every two years, one of their first actions is to name their “Grand Master’s Charity” for support by the brethren. This effort is additional to the regular charity projects supported by the Masonic Foundation of Ontario. Grand Master Green’s “Project Prostate Hope” was highly successful and...
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