In 2017 Doric 289 & St. John’s 81 amalgamated to form Rising Sun 81.
On July 27th, 1872, a number of Freemasons met in Lobo Village at the home of Dr. J.D. McLeay for the purpose of forming a Masonic Lodge. The names of those present at that meeting were to become the Charter Members in the formation of this new Lodge. On motions duly moved, seconded and carried, Dr. McLeay became Chairman of the meeting; T.R. Powell became Secretary, and the name of the Lodge was to be denominated Doric, with meetings to be held on the second Thursday of each month. On separate ballots being passed, Dr. McLeay was elected Master; T.R. Powell Senior Warden and Joshua Irvine Junior Warden. The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario granted Dispensation on November 12th, 1872, officially designating it as Doric Lodge, and numbered 289 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge. On August 21st, 1873, the Lodge held an Emergent Meeting for the purpose of dedicating the Lodge Hall, and to install the officers. On this occasion, the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. William Mercer Wilson, assisted by P.D.D.G.M. Westlake, D.D.G.M. Burch and Grand Senior Wardens R.W. Bros. Small and Bancroft formed a Grand Lodge and dedicated the Hall and installed the Officers. On July 10th, 1873, the Lodge received its Charter and Warrant of Constitution. And thus, my Brethren, this new Lodge came into being to serve the Craft. But what of the 125 years that have followed? The records show we have prospered only because the Brethren have laboured well. During this period, we have witnessed and withstood two world wars, and several depressions. The Landmarks have never changed, and will not change. At the beginning, the Lodge premises were rented. However, on May 12th, 1881, the Hall was purchased, and maintained until 1958, at which time the Highway was widened, and new land was purchased to move the Hall back from the right-of-way. On July 15th, 1965, a committee was formed for the purpose of buying a nearby school, the vacant No.8 school, at Lobo Village, as our new Lodge Hall. In May, 1966, we moved in, and the new premises were dedicated by the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master. All labour and decorating was done by the members. In 1980, a Fellowcraft Degree was exemplified by Doric Lodge No. 289 at what would be the first outdoor Lodge meeting in Ontario. The setting was a natural amphitheatre on the farm of R.W. Bro. Wm. Frank, P.D.D.G.M. Our present D.D.G.M., London West District, R.W. Bro. Lock, was the current Worshipful Master, with the Worshipful Masters from both London Districts filling all other chairs. Over 200 Freemasons from all over Ontario attended.